Brazil, The Cereal Killer

Since I’ve been talking about milk in Brazil and things to do with it, now seems as good a time as any to discuss cereal. Becky mentioned brigadeiros yesterday in a comment and it was then that I was reminded of this:


It’s a limited edition flavor of Sucrilhos (and yes, that is Brazilian Tony the Tiger there and yes, they are grrrrreat). This picture was taken couple of months ago so I’m not sure if they’re still available now. What I do know is, that they did a pretty good job of making it similar to the real brigadeiro experience. It even had little chocolate sprinkles.
Cereal, unfortunately, doesn’t seem to be as popular here in Brazil as it was back in the states. There’s no aisle at the mercado of cartoon faces and 50 different varieties of puffed, flaked and/or shredded corn or wheat stretching out into infinity…and beyond. The best selection of cereal that I’ve seen so far is at Zona Sul but even they only have a dozen or so different varieties at best. It doesn’t even take up a whole aisle (insert frowny face here). Sigh, if you haven’t guessed, I love cereal. However, it is more expensive here, and to me it seems like you get a lot less in the box. To be honest, it’s really not enough bang for my Real but that has yet to stop me from sampling as many as possible.

In closing, I’ll give a quick rundown of what I know of the cereal scene (what little there is) so far:

Sucrilhos (Kellogg’s)- the regular sugar coated flakes (Frosted Flakes) are ok but I prefer the chocolate ones. The best Sucrilhos for me are the puffed chocolate ones. They are as cuckoo inducing as Cocoa Puffs.

Snow Flakes (Nestle)- I prefer these to regular Sucrilhos. The flakes are a little thicker and so they don’t get soggy as quick. They make them chocolate flavored as well but I’ve yet to have the pleasure.

CRUNCH (Nestle)- It’s crunchy, chocolately and overall ok.

Nescau (Nestle)- Chocolate puffs that I’m not as cuckoo for.

Super Balls- I can’t help but giggle every time I see this in the store (I’ll take a picture soon). Forgive me please. They are the same as Nescau, little chocolate puffs, but actually I like them better. Scurilhos (puffs) still win my grand prize, though.

There is also granola and a couple of varieties of healthier options. At the moment I can’t remember the one I tried. My mind is at the chocolate factory I think, sorry.
Ok, I’m off the have a bowl of cereal. Sure, it’s not quite the same with no Pink Hearts, Yellow Moons, Orange Stars, Green Clovers or anything really magically delicious but …it will do.

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